Waste & Recycling
Waste collections start from 6 am temporarily
To help crews get your waste collected, please:
Sort and roughly segregate materials in boxes without using carrier bags.
Rinse all containers and squash all but glass and aerosols.
Cut up all large card and flatten all cardboard boxes.
Quick reminder on plastic …
Plastic bottles are the only plastics taken at the kerbside; household and food plastic pots, tubs and trays are taken at all 16 recycling sites
Tetra Paks, other beverage cartons and single-use plastic-lined coffee cups are taken at 12 recycling sites.
More on how to recycle as much as possible
Visit the Somerset Waste Website for what is taken at recycling sites, their locations and when they are open.
Love Food – Hate Waste – this is full of excellent ideas on how to waste less food – things they used to teach us at school!