Somerset Heritage

Where in the world could you find a Bakelite coffin, the oldest manmade road in Britain, the largest collection of Naval aircraft in Europe or early Victorian prosthetic limbs?

You might be surprised to find out the answer is Somerset!

For a county with a history as rich and diverse as its countryside, Somerset boasts an amazing number of museums and heritage attractions. Somerset Routes is a unique map and guide which highlights over 100 of the counties best heritage sites to visit.

Taking the form of a ‘tube map’, the county has been broken down into seven different lines to travel on, spread across the country and taking in the best sights and things to do. Each line takes you to the museums, historic railways, castles, gardens, stately homes and archaeological sites that make Somerset’s heritage unique.

Along with the map, a free booklet has been created which for the first times gives information and contact details about all the major heritage sites in the county. The booklet details each suggested stop and includes a website link where possible and there’s a useful tip or nugget of information with every entry.

The touring map, guidebook and itineraries are available to download for free.

Taster videos are available