Footpaths & Public Rights of Way

Hopefully, parishioners and visitors to Brympton make good use of our footpaths and public rights of way, but in order to keep these footpaths, stiles, gateways etc. maintained and safe for the public to use it is very helpful to the Parish Council if users report any faults or safety concerns they come across. The Council will then pursue necessary repairs, replacements or other suitable solutions via the appropriate bodies such as the SCC Public Rights of Way team.


Because the Brympton Parish Council (BPC) has not appointed a formal Parish Path Liaison Officer (PPLO), the following dialogue gives a general appreciation of the overall state of the formal Public Rights of Way (PROW) and of the other main public footpaths in the Parish.

Not all the public footpaths are necessarily noted, only those used frequently and where permitted/agreed by the relevant landowners. Routes commonly identified as passageway/ alleyways/snickets etc. or specific access to public buildings (e.g.,

pathways to the Community Centre) are excluded.


The physical “surveys” were carried out at various times in the year resulting in some being seen in more favourable conditions especially in the drier periods of weather.


The Somerset Council identify eight Public Rights of Way in the Parish included herein and on the included maps, six of which can be identified as rural the other two being identified as urban. Within this document the reference number allocated to each PROW is as shown on the included maps. Any faults/comments on the PROW can be logged directly with the SCC via



In general, the condition of the footpaths is considered acceptable although, as would be expected, many of the rural pathways are difficult, in some cases virtually impossible, to navigate because of the abundant seasonal growth of hedgerows and grasses or insecure footing in wet winter weather.

Map of Brympton Parish showing the Public Rights of Way marked as green dotted lines.

BPC Notice Boards and other information sites are shown for reference.






Public Right of Way

From the triple intersection with Path Y3/2 and Path Y21/12 and Parish boundary at northern end to intersection with New Road at the southern end via Lufton Manor Farm


Public Right of Way

Junction with Balls Hill/Thorne Lane at the northern end to the triple junction with Path Y3/1, Path Y21/12 and the Parish boundary at the southern end.


Public Right of Way

Junction with road running through Thorne Coffin to Chilthorne Domer to junction with Balls Hill/Thorne Lane


Public Right of Way

Intersection with Path Y3/3 to intersection with Path Y4/1 near Axesclose Farm


Public Right of Way

Stourton Way at the gate to Oak Tree Park exiting further south on Stourton way at the Parish boundary


Public Right of Way

Junction with Path 32/1 and Parish boundary southern end to exit on Larkhill Road/Parish boundary


Public Right of Way

Junction with road through Thorne Coffin to

Tintinhull Road in Chilthorne Domer


Public Right of Way

Junction with Tintinhull Road to the west of Chilthorne Domer to intersection with Path Y3/3


Public Footpath

Junction with Thorne Coffin crossroads at the northern end to the junction of Lufton Way and Copse Road at the southern end. (An extension to original Lufton Way)


Public Footpath

Lufton Way, from YTFC main entrance at the western end, to Western Avenue at the eastern end


Public Footpath

Northern junction with Thorne Lane to the Parish boundary at the southern end adjacent to Shelley Close, known as Lawrence Way


Public Footpath

Spur off Lawrence Way over the northern most footbridge over Preston Brook leading to its terminus towards the north end of Larkhill Road.




Public Footpath

Spur off of Lawrence Way over the middle footbridge over Preston Brook leading to its terminus at Larkhill Road


Public Footpath

The Spinal Path. Runs north-south through the Abbey Manor housing development from Oak Tree Park in the north to its terminus at Stourton Way at the southern end

Public Rights of Way in Brympton Footpath Y3/1

Map of PROW Y3/1 - North
Map of PROW Y3/1 - South


The pathway is generally usable but can be made difficult by the summertime

vegetation growth.


From the triple intersection with Path Y3/2 and Path Y21/12 and Parish boundary at Northern end to intersection with New Road at the Southern end via Lufton Manor Farm.


Rural – grass footpath in the main with some metallised roadway and asphalt private driveway

General Condition

The overall condition of this path is reasonably good. The long section at the edge of the field from the gate by the underpass to the exit on New Road is through long grass but generally passable.

The exit to New Road is “difficult” being partially obstructed by seasonal growth. When wet, the stone steps leading up towards the exit style are somewhat slippery and potentially hazardous to those who are not sure footed.

Extreme care should be taken when emerging from the exit hidden in the hedgerow

out onto the busy highway (New Road).

In summary an Interesting and usable footpath best described as adventurous in places. One needs to be reasonably fit and agile to navigate it.

Bridge & Path covered by summer vegetation growth
A3088 Underpass with gate leading to final section of the path in the distance
Bristol Style Gate at entrance to field
Pathway (lost in long summer grass) heading towards the New Road exit