Community Speedwatch/Safety

Reporting of Crime, Disorder and Community Safety Issues

The local Abbey Manor Community Facebook page is a valuable and productive tool for use by our local community for the sharing of information. However, some of the information posted on Facebook, whilst relevant and useful to the local community, could also be far more relevant and productive if passed on to the “Authorities” in a timely manner.

For example, there continues to be a significant number of “crimes” and “disorders” reported and commented on in the local Abbey Manor Community Facebook website, most of which are never formally reported to the Police, who cannot, therefore, take any action.
In cases of crime and disorder it is suggested that any relevant information pertaining to the incident is also conveyed via email to the Somerset & Avon Police Service. Full names and contact details are given elsewhere here in the Brympton Parish Council website.


Beat team for Yeovil – this is a direct link to the Avon & Somerset website and will open in a new window

PCSO – Elaine Weeks

Crime statistics for your local area and other police forces can be found by entering a postcode or place name at:

Avon & Somerset Constabulary

Avon & Somerset Police Crime Commissioner

Police & Crime Plan